Welcome to my blog! That is me below…well, a digital illo that I did of myself. Humor me–that way I can make myself tall or skinny or long-legged or two-headed with a tail.
I originally did this sketch to show a friend some clothes I had bought and how I’d pair them with things I already owned. Sort of a ‘virtual haul’ kind of thing. In case you aren’t familiar–haul videos show people filming themselves showing different items they had just purchased at different stores. Google it. There are tons of those videos out there. It has made taste-makers out of a lot of teenagers.
Anyway, I figured it’d be a lot more fun to sketch cool items I’ve bought or received as gifts instead of going the traditional video or photo route.
In addition to illos or virtual hauls, I’ll be posting anything I happen to create and want to share. Hope you enjoy your visits here!